Okinawa Islands Returned to the Japanese

(Feature photo and cover courtesy of

(from the JapanTimes) In 1969, Prime Minister Eisaku Sato and President Richard Nixon agreed to the reversion, and on May 15, 1972, Okinawa was returned to Japan after 27 years under U.S. administrative control.

For years, the United States maintained a large military presence in Okinawa because of its strategic location and intense fighting made it known as the “Keystone Of The Pacific” during World War II. Okinawa is widely regarded as the “Bloodiest Battle of the Pacific War”. Okinawa was captured in 1945 by the U.S.

Although most of the Island was returned in 1972, the U.S. still maintains a military presence and airbases that are the source of current protests and Okinawa resident’s dissension.

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