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Rebels4Life Senior Essay Contest

February 25, 2022 @ 8:00 am - June 10, 2022 @ 5:00 pm


The John Adams High School Class of 1972 is celebrating its 50-Year Class Reunion in 2022 with a series of planned activities to commemorate this occasion.  To kick-off this year, the Reunion Committee is excited to introduce the ’John Adams 1972 ~ 2022 Senior Class Essay Contest’.

This opportunity, which is primarily funded by private donations from 1972 Alumni, is specifically for John Adams Class of 2022 graduating seniors who have been accepted to attend a 4-year college program this year.

The contest was announced to the students in February.  Essays were due on April 29th.

The winning 1st place contestant will be awarded with full funding toward their first-year college tuition, instructional fees and related supplies for college. The 2nd and 3rd place contestant will receive funding for books and related supplies needed in the first year.

For more information:

Dr. Ralph F. Murphy II Manager, College and Career Success
John Adams College & Career Academy

John Adams 1972 ~ 2022 Senior Class Essay Contest Guidelines

To be considered, you should:

Have a written recommendation from a John Adams Teacher or Counselor Plan to attend a four-year college or university in the US immediately following high school graduation

  •   Have a plan to pursue a bachelor’s degree
  •   Demonstrate a passion for education
  •   Demonstrate leadership at school or in the community
  •   Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher


How to apply: Eligible students should submit the following application package by Thursday March 31st, 2022 to the assigned John Adams Representative:

  1. Introduction of Yourself: should also include the following:
    •   Extracurricular activities
    •   Honors and awards
    •   Work experience
    •   College or University being considered
    •   Color Photo of yourself

2.  Essay Guidelines:

    • creative, concise, compelling 500-700 word essay outlining your personal thoughts, knowledge and understanding in the following two categories:

Personal Development Category

      • What specific skill did you learn or earn at John Adams and how will it benefit you in the future?
      • What will be your biggest challenge to start and stay in college?

Current Events Category

      •   Explain the importance of voting in both local and national elections.
      • How does the Black Lives Matter movement and Black History month relate to each other?

Bonus Category (optional)

      • Identify a significant event that happened in 1972 and elaborate on why it was important at the time and today.

Selection process

A Selection Committee from the Class of 1972 will choose finalists based on:

  1.   Uniqueness of the application packet with emphasis on the essay response.
  2.   Personal interview with the Selection Committee.

Award schedule

Formal notification of awards will be made by the Selection

Committee to the recipient(s) at a scheduled school event prior to graduation:

Selected students will be awarded for the 2022-2023 academic year.

Awards will be paid directly to the college on behalf of the student to be applied to tuition, fees, books, supplies, and/or equipment required for coursework.

Recognition: The finalist(s) are invited to attend the John Adams Class of 1972 50-Year Class Reunion Dinner on Saturday July 23rd 2022.

JA Administration Contact

Dr. Ralph F. Murphy II Manager, College and Career Success
John Adams College & Career Academy

JA ’72 Contact for questions or clarification:

George Williams

Rebels4Life Essay and Student Aid

I would like to provide the following amount to help our students:
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American Express
Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
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February 25, 2022 @ 8:00 am
June 10, 2022 @ 5:00 pm


John Adams ’72 Committee
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